Are you feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, or lost? Our ketamine therapy and weight loss clinic can provide the answers, support, and transformation you're looking for. 

Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here


Are you feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, or lost? Our ketamine therapy and weight loss clinic can provide the answers, support, and transformation you're looking for. 

Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here


Our ketamine infusion therapy clinic is a wellness destination for anybody searching for hope in their current health struggle. Under the skilled guidance of our board-certified emergency room doctor, each infusion session at Nameen Infusion & Wellness is not just a medical procedure but a meticulously orchestrated journey towards healing.

ketamine infusion therapy expert

goodyear Arizona

Dr. Imani knows our health system is built to triage and manage symptoms. Her mission to help you live a happier & healthier life by targeting your health blocker at the root. #NameenTransformation

By Treating the Cause,
Not Just the Symptoms

feel better


Once primarily known as an anesthetic, ketamine infusion therapy now reveals its remarkable potential in treating severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain conditions. Beyond its immediate calming effect, infusion therapy holds promise in rewiring neural pathways, offering lasting relief from debilitating mental health conditions and chronic pain.

IT'S a lifeline, offering hope where TRADITIONAl methods have fallen short

IT'S a lifeline, offering hope where TRADITIONAl methods have fallen short

ketamine infusion is more than just a treatment

From F.F.
I’ve struggled with major depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts for as long as I can remember. It felt like I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of darkness, and nothing seemed to help—until I found Dr. Imani at Nameen Infusion & Wellness.

From the very first session, I noticed a change. Thanks to Dr. Imani’s expert care and the innovative ketamine IV infusion therapy, the constant loop of suicidal ideation began to fade. For the first time in my life, I feel hope. The fog that had weighed on me for so long started to lift, and I could finally focus on my business, communicate better with my partner, and, most importantly, experience joy again.

Depression had been such a constant companion in my life for so long that I forgot what it felt like to be without it. Thanks to Dr. Imani, I finally feel like the person I was meant to be, free from the weight of depression and suicidal thoughts for the first time. What sets Nameen apart is the incredible attention to detail and comfort. I was so nervous at first (I have control issues!) but Dr. Imani was with me every step of the way. I felt safe trying to this treatment because she is a a board-certified ER doctor.

She personally oversees every treatment, monitors my vitals and heart rate throughout the session, and has such a nurturing and kind presence. I truly felt safe and cared for throughout the process. The whole experience is designed for healing. I get to choose my preferred aromatherapy scent from a curated selection, and Dr. Imani provides a custom luxury face mask along with comfortable surround sound Bluetooth headphones, so I can enjoy my own music during the session. Plus, they offer the option to add IV fluids after treatment at an incredibly affordable price.

With all the recent media attention on ketamine, I want to emphasize the huge difference between therapeutic IV infusion therapy under medical supervision and the dangerous, illegal misuse of ketamine. This is a safe, controlled, and life-changing treatment. Thank you Dr. Imani and the team at Nameen <3

for the first time, i feel hope.

From B.M.: 

If you are hurting please read this. I am a 50 year old woman that grew up under trying circumstances and learned very quickly to push the trauma way down and lock it away. I went on to become an ER nurse in some of the most busy and difficult trauma centers in the west coast. I have experienced things that most humans could not fathom.

My mental health began to crumble a few years ago but I continued to fight and was afraid that if I asked for help, I would seem weak and I had worked very hard to be seen as one of the strong ones. About 6 years ago, everything came to a head and I was in the darkest place that I have ever been and thought that there was only one option to stop the pain. I thought about it daily but just couldn’t hurt my kids. I started on meds and going to counseling after a crisis intervention.

Over the last few years I took more and more meds and stronger and stronger meds but the thoughts continued to haunt me. I had debilitating anxiety along with the depression. Everyone around me saw that I was loosing my battle, I was definitely not myself. The meds were so strong that they began to make me very ill. Most days I couldn’t get out of bed. I thought that I had no option except for the meds. I had no choice but to wean myself off of them and hope for the best.

That is when I heard that Dr. Imani was starting to do ketamine therapy. I pushed my way to the front of the line and was the first one to get it. Ketamine completely changed everything for me! I was told that it would take several sessions to see anything, but it was immediate for me. I have since had several sessions both by injection and IV and I am in a totally different place!

I still have little bouts of anxiety now and then and have bad days and good days like everyone else, but the darkness is gone! I am strong and I now know that reaching out for help was the strongest thing that I ever did! If you are in need of help please reach out. Please try ketamine. I would be happy to meet with anyone and I would even go with you to your first session. Please know that you are important and loved. Tomorrow would not be the same without you!

 I truly believe that ketamine therapy and Dr Imani saved my life.

From G.S. 
I couldn’t have been more of a skeptic about going into ketamine treatment.  I have tried just about everything there is, from psychiatry and counseling to rehabilitation centers and medication to treat me for depression, severe anxiety and alcoholism/addiction.  Nothing seemed to work, and I felt even more stressed and defeated, which made me continue to isolate and withdraw. 

For an alcoholic, that is very dangerous, and for the past 10 years I have basically taken the, “what do I have to lose?" approach and have tried everything in hopes that it will help.  After having several ketamine infusion sessions with Dr. Imani my skepticism was proven wrong, and I couldn’t have been happier about it. 

The best way I can describe the treatment itself is that it separates your conscience from your body, but you’re completely aware and are able to guide yourself through your thoughts.  For the first time in years, I am actually optimistic and feel a significant change in my mental state of mind. 

My body still feels the alcohol withdrawals but to me, the toughest part of handling my addiction is to overcome mental relapses.   I still get triggered and I still get the cravings, but sincerely feel that the ketamine sessions have given me a powerful tool to stay on track.

For me, there is still continued work to be done, but I have never felt more confident going forward and as I write this, I am 67 days sober.

a powerful tool to battle addiction.

From M.A.: 
Before Nameen Infusion and Wellness, Dr. Imani, and Ketamine, I was in a downward spiral.  My post-traumatic stress, severe depression, and anxiety were becoming debilitating.  I tried many prescription drugs and have undergone almost every form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to relieve the agony.  Prescriptions were causing severe side effects with little or no benefit, and CBT was helpful but felt incomplete.

I began to research an alternative and Ketamine therapy. That search led me to many peer-reviewed studies, testimonials, and the American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists, and Practitioners (ASKP) website and then to Nameen Infusion and Wellness and Dr. Imani.  After reviewing the website for several days, I suddenly had a slight hint of hope that I had not felt in a long time. I called Dr. Imani and scheduled an appointment.

I received eight treatments in total, and although the place Ketamine took me was tough to articulate, there was a sense of acceptance, peace, calm, and happiness that I had never experienced before.  After the first three treatments, my wife noticed subtle improvements in my demeanor. Then, I began noticing a sense of joy, happiness, and, most importantly, hope I had not felt in many years.  I was suddenly smiling and laughing, and my thoughts were more organized. I was decisive and able to complete tasks and enjoy the task being completed.  I was more relaxed, and my perspectives about the future and my life changed. 

This experience has been a game-changer, and I look forward to working with Dr. Imani to explore further what Ketamine has to offer.    

happiness that i have never experienced before.

From J.0.:
I was apprehensive about Ketamine therapy because I am in the healthcare field and have always been mindful of medications and substances I put into my body.

 Dr Imani and her staff immediately made me feel comfortable and reassured. Dr. Imani went over every detail with me and was kind and patient with me even while I was asking a million questions  I felt heard and understood.

 I think the experience varies from person to person, but my treatment was extremely helpful when I suffered an episode of severe depression and anxiety. My biggest issue was being able to lose control of myself and trust the process.

The staff at Nameen helped me with that by being so supportive and caring. I am extremely grateful for the treatments.

From J.0.:
I was apprehensive about Ketamine therapy because I am in the healthcare field and have always been mindful of medications and substances I put into my body. Dr Imani and her staff immediately made me feel comfortable and reassured. Dr. Imani went over every detail with me and was kind and patient with me even while I was asking a million questions  I felt heard and understood.

 I think the experience varies from person to person, but my treatment was extremely helpful when I suffered an episode of severe depression and anxiety. My biggest issue was being able to lose control of myself and trust the process. The staff at Nameen helped me with that by being so supportive and caring. I am extremely grateful for the treatments.

i felt heard and understood.

From M.S.: 
I used to wake up with a weird ache throughout my body every day, highly irritable, usually only relieved with high doses of caffeine. I used to take pre-workout supplement to function at work.

One session of ketamine and I haven't had this ache anymore in months. I also never knew that I had anxiety.

Ketamine treatment was unique because I still felt like I was in control and coherent, but somehow I could actually process what was on my mind by seeing things from a different perspective that I never saw before. 

It is a remarkable experience that I think everyone should try at least once. You will be amazed. Dr. Imani is super sweet and knowledgeable that I felt safe and could trust my care in her hands.

From M.S.: 
I used to wake up with a weird ache throughout my body every day, highly irritable, usually only relieved with high doses of caffeine. I used to take pre-workout supplement to function at work. One session of ketamine and I haven't had this ache anymore in months. I also never knew that I had anxiety.

Ketamine treatment was unique because I still felt like I was in control and coherent, but somehow I could actually process what was on my mind by seeing things from a different perspective that I never saw before. It is a remarkable experience that I think everyone should try at least once. You will be amazed. Dr. Imani is super sweet and knowledgeable that I felt safe and could trust my care in her hands.

i felt safe to trust my care in
dr. imani hands.

i felt safe to trust my care in
dr. imani hands.

INTERESTED IN KETAMINE infusion therapy?

We are on a mission to change the way people heal in ARIZONA

"As an ER doctor, I've found that many emergencies can be prevented when people have access to innovative and affordable healthcare. Our Goodyear, AZ infusion clinic is here to treat the CAUSE and not just the symptoms."
- Dr. Imani



Ketamine infusion therapy helps by rapidly targeting and resetting brain pathways involved in mood and pain regulation. It works on the glutamate system, promoting the release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which helps repair damaged neural connections. This mechanism provides a fast-acting treatment, often showing results within hours or days, compared to traditional antidepressants, which may take weeks to months.

Over time, this process helps restore the brain’s natural balance, leading to mood improvement and symptom relief. This process can lead to relief from conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain, often when traditional treatments have failed. 

How does ketamine infusion
therapy help? 

How does ketamine infusion
therapy help? 




At our clinic, the ketamine infusion process is personalized and closely monitored to ensure your safety and comfort. It begins with an initial consultation, where you'll undergo a thorough medical and psychological evaluation to determine if ketamine is the right treatment for you.

During the infusion, we closely monitor your vitals, including heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure. After the infusion, you’ll have a recovery period where we monitor your condition before you leave the clinic. Our provider, who is also trained in psychedelic integration, will help you process and integrate your experience.

What is the typical process for ketamine infusion therapy?

What is the typical process for ketamine infusion therapy?




A typical ketamine infusion treatment at our clinic lasts about 90 minutes. The actual ketamine infusion takes about 40 to 45 minutes. Before the infusion begins, we allocate time to carefully place the IV and help you set your intention for the session. Once the infusion is complete, we encourage you to stay for a short recovery period. This allows you to rest and ensures that you are in a stable condition before heading home with your ride.

During this time, Dr. Imani, our board-certified ER doctor and certified psychedelic integration coach, will spend dedicated time with you to discuss your experience during the session. She will guide you through the integration process, helping you make sense of your feelings and insights gained during the infusion. This post-infusion support is crucial for maximizing the benefits of the therapy and fostering long-term healing.

How long does a ketamine
infusion treatment last?

How long does a ketamine
infusion treatment last?




The dose of ketamine given during your infusion is personalized based on factors like your body weight, medical history, and the condition being treated. Typically, the dose ranges from 0.5 mg/kg to 1.0 mg/kg for mood disorders like depression or anxiety. For chronic pain, higher doses may be required. Before your treatment, our provider will carefully assess your needs and determine the most appropriate dose to ensure both safety and effectiveness

You also have the option to receive ketamine intramuscularly, administered in 2-3 injections per session. If you'd like more information about intramuscular ketamine, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What dose of ketamine is given
during my infusion?

What dose of ketamine is given
during my infusion?




Ketamine infusion therapy is considered safe when administered under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. Ketamine has a long history of use in medical settings, particularly in emergency rooms, where it has been utilized for decades as an anesthetic and analgesic. Its effectiveness and safety profile have been well established through extensive research and clinical practice.

When used in a controlled environment like our clinic, ketamine infusion therapy involves carefully monitored dosages tailored to each patient's specific needs. Our team, led by Dr. Glareh Imani, a board-certified ER doctor, prioritizes safety by conducting thorough pre-treatment assessments to determine each individual’s suitability for the therapy.

Is ketamine infusion therapy safe? 

Is ketamine infusion therapy safe? 




Ketamine IV therapy doesn't work for everyone, but it has shown promising results for many people, especially those with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. Success varies based on individual factors like the severity of the condition, medical history, and how a person responds to the treatment.

Around 15-20% of patients may experience treatment resistance. However, ketamine has proven effective for 70-80% of people, compared to the 30-40% success rate of traditional treatments. During your consultation, we’ll conduct a thorough pre-assessment to ensure ketamine therapy is the right fit for you.

Does ketamine infusion therapy
work for everyone?

Does ketamine infusion therapy
work for everyone?




Most patients tolerate ketamine infusions well, but some common side effects may occur. These include nausea and vomiting, which we can mitigate by providing medications like Zofran during your session. Additionally, some individuals may experience dizziness or lightheadedness, increased heart rate, and blood pressure. It's also common for patients to feel dissociation or a "dream-like" state during the infusion, which can be disorienting but typically subsides quickly after the session.

If you find the experience uncomfortable at any point, we can stop the infusion immediately. Due to ketamine's short half-life, the medication will dissipate quickly, and any side effects are generally short-lived, resolving within a few minutes after treatment. 

What are the common side effects of ketamine infusion therapy?

What are the common side effects
of ketamine infusion therapy?




Ketamine can produce a dissociative effect, where you may feel detached from your surroundings or experience an altered sense of reality. However, this is a temporary state and part of how the drug interacts with the brain.

Many patients describe the experience as calming or meditative, though it can feel unusual if you’re not used to it. Our team will ensure that you feel comfortable and safe throughout the process, and we monitor you continuously to manage any feelings of anxiety.


Will I feel “high” or out of control during the infusion?

Will I feel “high” or out of control during the infusion?




The timeline for seeing results from ketamine infusion therapy can vary among individuals and depends on several factors, including the condition being treated and the specific treatment protocol. Many patients report relief from symptoms within hours after their first infusion, especially those experiencing acute depression or anxiety. 

Most plans involve an initial series of six infusions over 2 to 3 weeks, with sessions occurring twice a week. By the end of this series, many individuals experience significant improvements in mood and a reduction in symptoms. After the initial series, patients may continue to notice positive changes for days or weeks. Some may require "booster" infusions every few weeks or months to maintain their progress.


How long will it take to see results?

How long will it take to see results?




No, ketamine is not currently FDA-approved for IV treatments. At this time, ketamine infusions are considered an off-label use. However, we provide Superbills for clients to submit to their insurance and accept HSA or FSA payments.

We're also actively working on additional options to make this treatment more accessible and affordable. If cost is a concern, please reach out to us—we’re here to help!


Do you accept insurance?

Do you accept insurance?


Join us for a FREE virtual info session on October 24th at 7:00 PM MST and discover:

  • How ketamine IV therapy works
  • Hear real stories from current & past patients
  • Get answers directly from Dr. Imani
  • Connect with others on a similar journey

KETAMINE therapy?