Ketamine has been extensively studied and utilized in medical settings, primarily for anesthesia and critical care purposes since the 1960s. However, in recent years, its therapeutic potential has garnered widespread attention globally for addressing various mental health, chronic pain, and neurological disorders. Its popularity stems from its ability to swiftly alleviate symptoms with minimal side effects. 

What is ketamine Therapy?

 a balanced and sustainable path to wellness

Ketamine infusion therapy has shown remarkable antidepressant effects even at low doses. Compared to standard antidepressants like SSRIs, Tricyclics, or MAO inhibitors, ketamine boasts a much higher response rate, with up to twice as many patients experiencing relief from depression symptoms. Unlike standard antidepressants, ketamine demonstrates rapid response rates, with many patients experiencing an elevation in mood and reduction in depression symptoms within hours to days, unlike the several weeks often required with traditional antidepressants affecting serotonin and dopamine pathways. 

Rapid Relief: Experience relief from symptoms in a fraction of the time compared to traditional treatments. Ketamine therapy offers rapid onset, providing relief within hours rather than weeks or months.

Breakthrough Treatment: Ketamine therapy represents a breakthrough in mental health and pain management. Backed by decades of research, it offers new hope for individuals who have not found relief with conventional therapies.

Personalized Care: Receive personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and goals. Dr. Imani will work closely with you to ensure that your ketamine therapy experience is safe, effective, and optimized for your well-being.

Lasting Results: Unlike some treatments that require ongoing maintenance, ketamine therapy can provide long-lasting relief from symptoms. Many patients experience sustained improvements in mood, cognition, and pain levels following treatment.

A Revolutionary Treatment


Think of ketamine as acting as an "on" switch for brain cells allowing for glutamate to interact with specialized receptors to convey messages. Receptors serve as microscopic switches that regulate the communication between neurons, or nerve cells. When certain molecules, such as medications or neurotransmitters, bind to these receptors, they initiate diverse responses within the cell. This intricate process influences various aspects of brain function, including mood regulation, pain perception, memory formation, and overall cognitive performance. In essence, receptors operate like a lock-and-key mechanism, with the receptor acting as the lock and the neurotransmitter or drug serving as the key. When the key aligns with the lock, it "unlocks" the receptor, triggering specific cellular reactions.

It is important to note that maintaining optimal glutamate levels is essential for brain health and mental well-being. Imbalances, whether excessive or deficient, can result in complications. Prolonged exposure to stressors or trauma can elevate glutamate levels, potentially causing cellular damage or demise. The promising aspect is that ketamine has demonstrated the ability to foster neuronal regeneration in the brain, promoting a process akin to "rewiring." By establishing new connections, ketamine facilitates a transition toward improved mental wellness.

While the precise mechanism of action of Ketamine remains a topic of ongoing research, its distinctiveness from conventional antidepressants like Prozac, Zoloft, or Effexor is well-established. There is significant evidence that many mental health conditions and chronic pain syndromes are caused by dysfunctional neuropathways in the brain. Ketamine infusion therapy initiates a series of neurological processes within the brain, influencing specific neurotransmitter receptors and pathways. This stimulation prompts rapid neuronal growth, facilitating the restructuring of normal neural circuits. This phenomenon is believed to underlie the antidepressant properties of ketamine. 

Particularly effective in modulating pathways associated with mood, emotions, and pain, ketamine serves as a valuable tool in holistic treatment approaches. It is important to understand that ketamine does not rewire neuropathways on its own but disrupts a dysfunction, allowing you to create healthy connections.  It is also not a cure and requires additional work on your part to be most effective. 

Ketamine therapy exhibits notable anti-inflammatory properties, effectively reducing levels of pro-inflammatory molecules like Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-α). These effects are particularly relevant in addressing autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriasis. This multifaceted mechanism may explain why certain individuals experience sustained relief following even a single infusion or a brief series of treatments. For others, a comprehensive approach integrating ketamine infusions with oral medications, lifestyle modifications, and other therapeutic interventions can substantially alleviate depression symptoms.

Ketamine has emerged as a promising treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), particularly for cases resistant to conventional therapies, boasting an impressive 75% success rate. Additionally, ketamine demonstrates high efficacy in managing diverse chronic mental health conditions including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse disorders, and eating disorders.

The Science of Ketamine

What Does Ketamine Do?

Ketamine therapy works by increasing the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an important neurotransmitter and critical protein involved in neurogenesis. BDNF promotes the regrowth and strengthening of connections in stressed brains, acting like a nourishing "fertilizer" for our neural network. It plays a role in many aspects of cognitive function:

  1. Brain Cell Health: BDNF supports the survival of existing brain cells while facilitating the growth of new ones.
  2. Brain Flexibility: BDNF fosters the strengthening or weakening of brain connections, essential for learning and memory formation.
  3. Thinking and Learning: BDNF plays a pivotal role in facilitating learning, memory retention, and complex cognitive processes.
  4. Mood and Depression: BDNF levels are intricately linked to mood regulation, with reduced levels observed in individuals with depression and boosted by antidepressant treatments.
  5. Brain Cell Protection: BDNF acts as a shield for our brain cells, potentially offering protective benefits against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Ketamine & Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

How Will I Respond to Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

The Nameen Difference

Individual responses to medications vary, hence we tailor treatments, adjusting frequency and dosage according to your unique needs. Studies demonstrate that 70% to 80% of individuals have reported substantial alleviation from depression symptoms with ketamine infusion therapy.

While conventional antidepressants exhibit efficacy in only 30% to 40% of depression patients, ketamine demonstrates positive outcomes in over 85% of cases, even among those unresponsive to standard antidepressant treatments. Moreover, compelling evidence suggests Ketamine's potential effectiveness across various forms of depression, extending beyond treatment-resistant cases.

Early responders typically witness improvements after just 1 or 2 ketamine therapy sessions. For those in the standard category, incremental enhancements may be observed within 3 or 4 treatments. Individuals categorized as late responders may require 5 or more sessions before noticing any benefits. By the sixth infusion, approximately 80% of individuals responsive to ketamine treatment can be identified.

However, approximately 15-20% of individuals may not experience antidepressant effects from ketamine, known as non-responders. For non-responders, alternative treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) should be considered.

While ketamine therapy offers promising relief for depression and other mental disorders, it's important to recognize that it may not serve as a standalone cure. Dr. Imani's approach emphasizes the integration of psychotherapy to foster a comprehensive and enduring response. Ketamine acts as a catalyst for change rather than a singular solution to all problems. It can help disrupt negative thought patterns, maladaptive behaviors, and destructive cycles. Unlike antidepressants meant for daily use, ketamine is administered temporarily through a series of infusions, allowing patients to regain stability and implement healthy lifestyle changes.

At Nameen Infusion & Wellness, we emphasize the importance of a collaborative team effort for the best treatment outcomes. Establishing a rapport with a specialist familiar with your condition—be it a psychiatrist, psychologist, family therapist, pain management provider, psychedelic integration coach, primary care provider, or neurologist—is essential, especially for chronic pain and migraine patients. For mental health patients, this is mandatory.

Understanding the Long-Term Approach of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy is a powerful tool for managing a range of mental health conditions, but it is not a single-session solution. Patients typically require a series of initial treatments followed by maintenance or booster sessions to sustain the therapeutic benefits. This structured approach is crucial for several reasons.

Initial Treatment Series
The journey begins with an initial series of ketamine infusions, usually spaced over a few weeks. This phase is essential to build a foundation for symptom relief. During these sessions, patients often experience significant improvements in mood, anxiety levels, and overall mental health.

Maintenance and Booster Sessions
After the initial treatment series, maintenance or booster sessions are necessary to preserve and enhance the benefits. These sessions are typically less frequent, tailored to the individual’s needs and responses. The goal is to provide ongoing support, preventing the return of severe symptoms and maintaining the positive changes achieved during the initial phase.

Reduced Frequency and Medication Dependence
One of the significant advantages of ketamine therapy is its potential to reduce the reliance on daily medications. Many patients find that after completing the initial series of treatments, they can reduce or even eliminate their daily psychiatric medications under their doctor’s guidance. This can lead to fewer side effects and a more natural balance of mental health.

Long-Term Benefits
Ketamine’s unique mechanism of action helps in promoting neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to form new neural connections. This can lead to long-lasting changes in brain function, offering relief from chronic conditions. By continuing with maintenance sessions, patients can reinforce these neural pathways, contributing to sustained mental wellness.

Personalized Treatment Plans
Every patient’s journey is unique, and ketamine therapy is personalized to meet individual needs. Factors such as the severity of the condition, response to treatment, and overall health influence the frequency and duration of maintenance sessions.

From F.F.
I’ve struggled with major depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts for as long as I can remember. It felt like I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of darkness, and nothing seemed to help—until I found Dr. Imani at Nameen Infusion & Wellness.

From the very first session, I noticed a change. Thanks to Dr. Imani’s expert care and the innovative ketamine IV infusion therapy, the constant loop of suicidal ideation began to fade. For the first time in my life, I feel hope. The fog that had weighed on me for so long started to lift, and I could finally focus on my business, communicate better with my partner, and, most importantly, experience joy again.

Depression had been such a constant companion in my life for so long that I forgot what it felt like to be without it. Thanks to Dr. Imani, I finally feel like the person I was meant to be, free from the weight of depression and suicidal thoughts for the first time. What sets Nameen apart is the incredible attention to detail and comfort. I was so nervous at first (I have control issues!) but Dr. Imani was with me every step of the way. I felt safe trying to this treatment because she is a a board-certified ER doctor.

She personally oversees every treatment, monitors my vitals and heart rate throughout the session, and has such a nurturing and kind presence. I truly felt safe and cared for throughout the process. The whole experience is designed for healing. I get to choose my preferred aromatherapy scent from a curated selection, and Dr. Imani provides a custom luxury face mask along with comfortable surround sound Bluetooth headphones, so I can enjoy my own music during the session. Plus, they offer the option to add IV fluids after treatment at an incredibly affordable price.

With all the recent media attention on ketamine, I want to emphasize the huge difference between therapeutic IV infusion therapy under medical supervision and the dangerous, illegal misuse of ketamine. This is a safe, controlled, and life-changing treatment. Thank you Dr. Imani and the team at Nameen <3

for the first time, i feel hope.

From B.M.: 

If you are hurting please read this. I am a 50 year old woman that grew up under trying circumstances and learned very quickly to push the trauma way down and lock it away. I went on to become an ER nurse in some of the most busy and difficult trauma centers in the west coast. I have experienced things that most humans could not fathom.

My mental health began to crumble a few years ago but I continued to fight and was afraid that if I asked for help, I would seem weak and I had worked very hard to be seen as one of the strong ones. About 6 years ago, everything came to a head and I was in the darkest place that I have ever been and thought that there was only one option to stop the pain. I thought about it daily but just couldn’t hurt my kids. I started on meds and going to counseling after a crisis intervention.

Over the last few years I took more and more meds and stronger and stronger meds but the thoughts continued to haunt me. I had debilitating anxiety along with the depression. Everyone around me saw that I was loosing my battle, I was definitely not myself. The meds were so strong that they began to make me very ill. Most days I couldn’t get out of bed. I thought that I had no option except for the meds. I had no choice but to wean myself off of them and hope for the best.

That is when I heard that Dr. Imani was starting to do ketamine therapy. I pushed my way to the front of the line and was the first one to get it. Ketamine completely changed everything for me! I was told that it would take several sessions to see anything, but it was immediate for me. I have since had several sessions both by injection and IV and I am in a totally different place!

I still have little bouts of anxiety now and then and have bad days and good days like everyone else, but the darkness is gone! I am strong and I now know that reaching out for help was the strongest thing that I ever did! If you are in need of help please reach out. Please try ketamine. I would be happy to meet with anyone and I would even go with you to your first session. Please know that you are important and loved. Tomorrow would not be the same without you!

 I truly believe that ketamine therapy and Dr Imani saved my life.

From G.S. 
I couldn’t have been more of a skeptic about going into ketamine treatment.  I have tried just about everything there is, from psychiatry and counseling to rehabilitation centers and medication to treat me for depression, severe anxiety and alcoholism/addiction.  Nothing seemed to work, and I felt even more stressed and defeated, which made me continue to isolate and withdraw. 

For an alcoholic, that is very dangerous, and for the past 10 years I have basically taken the, “what do I have to lose?" approach and have tried everything in hopes that it will help.  After having several ketamine infusion sessions with Dr. Imani my skepticism was proven wrong, and I couldn’t have been happier about it. 

The best way I can describe the treatment itself is that it separates your conscience from your body, but you’re completely aware and are able to guide yourself through your thoughts.  For the first time in years, I am actually optimistic and feel a significant change in my mental state of mind. 

My body still feels the alcohol withdrawals but to me, the toughest part of handling my addiction is to overcome mental relapses.   I still get triggered and I still get the cravings, but sincerely feel that the ketamine sessions have given me a powerful tool to stay on track.

For me, there is still continued work to be done, but I have never felt more confident going forward and as I write this, I am 67 days sober.

a powerful tool to battle addiction.

From M.A.: 
Before Nameen Infusion and Wellness, Dr. Imani, and Ketamine, I was in a downward spiral.  My post-traumatic stress, severe depression, and anxiety were becoming debilitating.  I tried many prescription drugs and have undergone almost every form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to relieve the agony.  Prescriptions were causing severe side effects with little or no benefit, and CBT was helpful but felt incomplete.

I began to research an alternative and Ketamine therapy. That search led me to many peer-reviewed studies, testimonials, and the American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists, and Practitioners (ASKP) website and then to Nameen Infusion and Wellness and Dr. Imani.  After reviewing the website for several days, I suddenly had a slight hint of hope that I had not felt in a long time. I called Dr. Imani and scheduled an appointment.

I received eight treatments in total, and although the place Ketamine took me was tough to articulate, there was a sense of acceptance, peace, calm, and happiness that I had never experienced before.  After the first three treatments, my wife noticed subtle improvements in my demeanor. Then, I began noticing a sense of joy, happiness, and, most importantly, hope I had not felt in many years.  I was suddenly smiling and laughing, and my thoughts were more organized. I was decisive and able to complete tasks and enjoy the task being completed.  I was more relaxed, and my perspectives about the future and my life changed. 

This experience has been a game-changer, and I look forward to working with Dr. Imani to explore further what Ketamine has to offer.    

happiness that i have never experienced before.

From J.0.:
I was apprehensive about Ketamine therapy because I am in the healthcare field and have always been mindful of medications and substances I put into my body.

 Dr Imani and her staff immediately made me feel comfortable and reassured. Dr. Imani went over every detail with me and was kind and patient with me even while I was asking a million questions  I felt heard and understood.

 I think the experience varies from person to person, but my treatment was extremely helpful when I suffered an episode of severe depression and anxiety. My biggest issue was being able to lose control of myself and trust the process.

The staff at Nameen helped me with that by being so supportive and caring. I am extremely grateful for the treatments.

From J.0.:
I was apprehensive about Ketamine therapy because I am in the healthcare field and have always been mindful of medications and substances I put into my body. Dr Imani and her staff immediately made me feel comfortable and reassured. Dr. Imani went over every detail with me and was kind and patient with me even while I was asking a million questions  I felt heard and understood.

 I think the experience varies from person to person, but my treatment was extremely helpful when I suffered an episode of severe depression and anxiety. My biggest issue was being able to lose control of myself and trust the process. The staff at Nameen helped me with that by being so supportive and caring. I am extremely grateful for the treatments.

i felt heard and understood.

From M.S.: 
I used to wake up with a weird ache throughout my body every day, highly irritable, usually only relieved with high doses of caffeine. I used to take pre-workout supplement to function at work.

One session of ketamine and I haven't had this ache anymore in months. I also never knew that I had anxiety.

Ketamine treatment was unique because I still felt like I was in control and coherent, but somehow I could actually process what was on my mind by seeing things from a different perspective that I never saw before. 

It is a remarkable experience that I think everyone should try at least once. You will be amazed. Dr. Imani is super sweet and knowledgeable that I felt safe and could trust my care in her hands.

From M.S.: 
I used to wake up with a weird ache throughout my body every day, highly irritable, usually only relieved with high doses of caffeine. I used to take pre-workout supplement to function at work. One session of ketamine and I haven't had this ache anymore in months. I also never knew that I had anxiety.

Ketamine treatment was unique because I still felt like I was in control and coherent, but somehow I could actually process what was on my mind by seeing things from a different perspective that I never saw before. It is a remarkable experience that I think everyone should try at least once. You will be amazed. Dr. Imani is super sweet and knowledgeable that I felt safe and could trust my care in her hands.

i felt safe to trust my care in
dr. imani hands.

i felt safe to trust my care in
dr. imani hands.

Not just the symptoms

let's treat the cause

Join us for a FREE virtual info session on October 24th at 7:00 PM MST and discover:

  • How ketamine IV therapy works
  • Hear real stories from current & past patients
  • Get answers directly from Dr. Imani
  • Connect with others on a similar journey

KETAMINE therapy?